Thursday 10 October 2013

Relationships and Life in General

So, as some of you may know, I now have a girlfriend.


Okay, it still feels so strange saying that... and yet so wonderful! On October 9th, 2013, Stephanie and I "officially" started being boyfriend and girlfriend. Let me tell you one thing, third wheelers: There IS someone out there. It may take some time, but there will be someone for you. Just you wait.

Moving onwards, my life has been getting a bit more busy, what with prelims coming up in November and issues with bullies at school (not directly affecting me, before you ask), and... my headmaster... whom I hate (when he's a headmaster). The head of my school's a nice guy when you're on his good side, even if he does look far too much like an older Mr Bliss, and is also a bit of a hypocrite. And Sarthacus now has short hair...


I know. It looks ridiculous, so I'm not posing any pictures of videos of it.

Moving even further onwards, in less than 3 hours I will be going to the airport to get a flight to Poland with my school. Yay! School trips!

Um... yeah. That's all I really have to say...

Sorry, once again, for being offline so much in Blogland... As stated above, life is picking up the pace. I usually keep online on Facebook, though, so ask Octa and Kallista and anyone else if they know me o nthere, and on twitter. @FM_Deduction is my Twitter name... so yeah. And yes, I am wearing a top hat. it looks epic.

Well, goodbye, bloggies! Hope to see you again soon!

Friday 16 August 2013

I'm Still Alive!


Sarthacus/Felix here.

I'm still alive!

Special thanks to Leia, James and Helen for letting me realise this.

The end.

Friday 11 January 2013

Recent Events.

Hey there, fellow bloggies.

Or those of you who still read my words and try to imagine my voice along with them.

I've been gone for what has felt like years but in reality has only been months. While I was away, terrible things happened.

I shall only mention the slightly less serious event, as I do not feel I have the right to share news of more serious cases.

Our blogland has split apart. The blogland I remember was filled with people cracking jokes, sharing news about life and having fun. I was a part of that blogland. I made great friends there. First, I only made small talk. I would start a small conversation and then leave. Soon, I got into the big stuff. You see, there are 2 main characters in the real story I'm about to tell: Dragona Pine and Kallista Pendragon. People who were once friends. Good people. Honest people.
We all began sharing ideas, and eventually writing our own amateur stories. Fanfictions, if you like.

We collaborated, made our own characters and wrote our literature, slowly becoming more professional.
Then school and a teenager's life took over and I drifted apart. Well, when I say apart I don't mean we fell out, I just mean I began to appear less and less. Modest as I try to be, whenever I come on I am greeted with a series of virtual hugs from almost everyone there.
When I next went on to the chat room that Dragona and Kallista spent most of their time on, I was greeted only by Dragona, Aquila and some others. When I asked where all the others were (This chat room was normally very full, you see), I was told that they would not come back to it.

When I asked why, I was told that there had been an argument. That somehow, Kallista and her friends had started a fight and done some terrible things and that they had (Forgive me if my memory is incorrect) issued threats out to the bloggies, to people that I'd known for years, literally.

Upset and confused, I went to Kallista, who offered a very different explanation as to the separation between the two "Teams" if you like. She said that Dragona and his friends had been trying to control the bloggers in a way. Simple things, like changing their user name or their profile picture. Simple things that annoyed others. They didn't want to be told what to do, so they revolted in a way. Then more arguments flared up and as far as I know, Dragona and Kallista haven't spoken to each other since.

I don't know which story is most accurate, or why any of it broke out, but I'm here to tell you ALL these words.

Forgive and forget.

Newcomers to blogs and chat rooms have been confused because of the arguments that have been flying around. Look back on old blog posts and the comments on those posts. We were all friends once. I want us to be again.

I don't know what really happened, but I think we should forget the past (except the good parts). I'd like very much for both DRAGONA PINE and KALLISTA PENDRAGON to comment on this blog post and apologize to each other for whatever misunderstandings you've had over the times.

Yes, I was told not to go anywhere near Kallista and her friends by Aquila and Dragona. Yes, I was told not to try and convince Dragona and Aquila to be friends again. I've been in contact with all of you.

I'm forgetting that advice, and I'm rather annoyed at you all.

I remember a good place where I could come and forget my worries and chat with friends.
Let us open that place again.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Assassin's Creed Fanfiction (Teaser)

Hello, Bloggies.

It feels like it has been years. This is a small teaser to a fan fiction that I will be writing later on...

It's based in Istanbul (Constantinople) in the 1500s.

Above is the Turkish Assassin Armour that Sarthacus wears*, as do many assassins.

*Sarthacus wears his without the mask.

This is the standard Ottoman Hookblade. It is mainly a navigational tool, but can be used in combat or even for simply picking someones pocket. (I also realise that i have put the images to a very large size, but don't you want to be able to see the fine details of the armour and tools?)

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

Those words are what bind us as Assassins.
When I was granted the rank of Assassin, the ceremony was long and honourable. The words spoken to me by the Mentor himself, Ezio Auditore.
"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember: Nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember: Everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light; We are Assassins."
Then I had a ring of hot metal put around my ring finger. It had quite a sting to it, but didn't last for too long.

After that I was free to do as I pleased. I decided that I would go to the caves just under the Forum of the Ox.
Save the rancid stench on the way down through the sewers, the journey was OK. There were no problems to be seen... however, my other senses picked up some disturbing news. I heard voices far above me. At first I ignored them until I heard the key word: "Suikastci (Assassin)!"
I stopped and listened more closely.
"He must not get his hands on the uniforms. if they were to find out what we were planning we would be dead by midnight!"
Before the man could order any more I ran to the end of the cave. I looked around and found a decent route upwards. As I clung to the last few sections of wall, I heard something worse than I could've ever hoped to find.
"Ah, exquisite! The Grand Master will be pleased. Now all we need to do is kill that damned man... Ah, what's his name? Bolt. Sarthacus Bolt... Yes, that should be easy if you do it right. Where does he stay?"
"The pislik (asshole) stays by Galata Tower, mostly. If we take him out we could infiltrate the whole of the Turkish Assassin Order!"
"That was the general idea. Anyway, let's get Ishak into his gear."

Their whole plan was to take me out and kill all of the Assassins from there.
As I reached the floor of the next level I saw this "Ishak". He was dressed in full assassin armour, hidden blade and all. I slowly stood up and took a step fourth. I heard the faint slink of a tripwire bomb setting itself off, and before I knew it there was an explosion to my left, burning my hood almost completely off and throwing me off of my feet. the rock beneath me began to crumble.
As I slid I unsheathed my hookblade and dragged it back across the rocks. I came to a sudden halt, suspended in mid-air.
I used my momentum to haul myself back up to my feet. I heard more explosions and knew that if I didn't move soon I would most likely die. I bolted for the tunnels, only to see that they had caved in. I then ran to the old scaffolding, thinking that if there had been workers here they would have made a quick route out. I sprang from plank to plank, then hooked onto a nearby lamp to glide over to a round pole of metal which I slid under. Soon enough I saw a glimmer of white light.
I sprinted up the wide tunnel and looked back at the burning wreckage that I had left behind.

A typical day in the Assassin's Brotherhood, I thought.

Monday 25 June 2012

Another Bout of Artwork...


 Inspired by Tim Burton's Dark Shadows.

Sorry for the differentiation on size... an iPod contains a terrible camera.

If you really like this stuff, could you give me suggestions? Thanks,

- Sarthacus.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Drawings- Over Here Tom!

Below are my recent "Assassin's Creed" drawings- with a modern twist.

Friday 25 November 2011

My Name is Ezio Audetore da Firenze. I am an Assassin.

Hey there, bloggers.

I just wanted ot tell you guys that in the next few weeks I will be working on an Assassin's Creed fanfiction. I'm hoping to have it based on someoe fro mFirenze. I need Italian names form the time.

Like ____ Audetore Da Firenze.

I'm planning on having the man related to Ezio.

Thanks for the names,
